27 Week Update

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Wow…that was fast! Here we go week 27. I am in shock at how fast this pregnancy has gone. Some days I literally forget that I am pregnant until the sweet girl in my tummy gives me a swift kick to the gut. I currently have a routine of washing my hair on Sunday night, fixing it on Monday and then wearing it up as long as possible before washing it. So far it has worked out great. I think I went one time 4 days without washing it. OH WELL….A pregnant mommas gotta do what a pregnant mommas gotta do to stay happy. Not washing my hair makes me happy.

 Week 27 has been so good to me. This pregnancy has been so different compared to my first in so many great ways. I am sleeping like a baby, eating healthy food and really enjoying the fact that I haven’t put on a ton of weight. My health along with my babies has been top priority this pregnancy and it has made the experience much more enjoyable. I have been in tune with my body and feel empowered knowing that I can carry a tiny human and still be healthy. This week I have felt a BIG connection with the baby and love the fact that I will meet this beautiful girl in ONLY 12 more weeks.

I thought by now I would be bedridden due to my back problems, but I have been very lucky so far to not be in a ton of pain. The pain is manageable and comes and goes but does not stay constant like it was before pregnancy. I am still getting my workouts in 4-5 times a week and feel really strong. I am hopeful that keeping my body healthy will allow for a better C-section recovery.

We have named our sweet little girl and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. In my opinion, its the most precious little name in the entire world. Eloise is so thrilled about being a big sister she can barley contain her excitement. When we can’t find her, she is usually sitting in the nursery patiently waiting for her baby sister to arrive. I mean…..so adorable, right?

Nursery Update

This week we got the crib up and bought a darling piece of furniture that really brings the room together. We are in the process of ship lapping the room and I can’t wait to see the whole nursery come together. The theme of her nursery is modern and clean. I went above and beyond for Eloise’s nursery and this time around we just want simple and easy. Currently, I am working on a big blog post that is all about the nursery/décor and how we created our the cute little space. I will be sharing before and after pictures once we get it complete so stay tuned for more updates.

Whole30 & Pregnancy

My January Whole30 has been great so far. I am going on week 3 and feel really amazing. I am incorporating a lot of mini meals because I am unable to eat large quantities of food in one setting due to less room in my stomach. Remember, if you are pregnant it may be necessary to incorporate more mini meals and even a smoothie every now and then to help with sickness and your growing baby. Smoothies are not recommended on the regular Whole30, but there can be modifications during your pregnancy journey.




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  1. Angela Brown says:

    Such a good update. So fun to watch good things happen to you. You look radiant. Can’t wait to hold that sweet baby.

  2. Download Landing Page says:

    Awesome article.