1package of compliant chicken and apple sausagesliced (Aidell or Sam’s Choice)
1tbspolive oil for cooking
1cupbutternut squashcubbed (fresh or frozen)
1/2cupfresh cranberriesor 1/4 cup dried (no sugar added)
1whole green applediced into cubes
fresh rosemary for garnish
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven, 350°F
Add cranberries (if using fresh) and squash to a baking sheet and cook in oven for 20 minutes. (If you are using dried cranberries, just add those to the skillet right before serving).
While that is cooking, add 1 tbsp of olive oil to cast iron skillet and add in your sausage and apple slices and cook to desired doneness.
Take out the pan with cranberries and butternut squash and add to a bowl.
Add the sausage and apples on top of the butternut squash and cranberries and mix together.
Garnish with fresh rosemary and salt and pepper to taste.
I cook my squash separately just so it doesn't get mushy. Feel free to add everything to the same skillet for a quicker meal option.